Saturday 19 November 2011


          THURSDAY AT 5
T@5: It stands for a different spirit, attitude and mindset towards God and His agenda. It is the right mindset; the mind of Christ, Num 14:24, Phil 2:5,
Definition: Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) meetings being held on Thursday @ 5pm.
Vision: To raise people who bring pleasure to God by deliberately using all He has endowed them to fulfill His agenda. Rev. 4:11, Col. 1:16, Jn. 15:8, 12, 16, 17:21-23, Mk. 16:15-20, Matt. 28:18-20, Ps. 103:21
Mission: To deliberately equip young people for the work of the ministry, groom their character and care for them (grooming true disciples of Christ). Eph. 4:12, 1 Timothy 4:13, Jn. 21:15-17
Purpose: Expand the kingdom by taking over ALL nations for Christ; fulfilling scriptures. Ps. 2:8, Isa. 2:2-3
The experience: Worship, love fellowship, miracles, fulfillment, blessings, networking, growth, success, friendship, relationships, marital bliss, etc.
Features: Word, music, drama, comedy, dance, poetry, exhibition of all talents, self development, etc.
Programmes: Singles and married, forums, home fellowship (church in the house), love feasts, picnics, breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings, rhythm and reality, television programmes, etc.
The product: True disciples of Christ: God-seeker, kingdom expander (ministry worker, nation taker and disciple maker), success, family builder, exploits doer, etc.
The spirit: Deliberateness (planning and taking necessary steps without delay), service, love, productivity, lifestyle of evangelism, fellowship, taking over nations, excellence, creativity and innovation, possibility, initiative, responsibility, dynamism, etc.
Summary: Living God’s dream and living mine. ) My dream is my God-given aspiration or any aspiration/desire/goal of mine meant for the actualization of God’s dream/agenda:kingdom expansion). Gen 12:1-3,
The gospel is our message and tool to bring the desired changes in our world. Hence evangelism is our lifestyle and shall preach the gospel strategically to clean our environment of evil.
Our success and winning of prizes and awards (local and international for excellence) is very important in this business. So we must labour rightly to excel in all we do in order to have great platforms to proclaim Jesus as Lord and to make our voice well heard; influencing more people and systems for Jesus. Taking up any and all positions of authority available and around us is very important in this business. We must dare to solve problems: take challenges for God in our fields like Elijah, David, Daniel, etc, giving Him the room to showcase His excellence and glory before the world. This shall not just be in healings and miracles alone, but also in scientific and technological discoveries and solutions, social issues, economic issues, etc. God will manifest Himself, doing exploits through us and will draw many to Himself. All we do shall be taken to the world as a business outfit to set right standard for them, e.g.  music, protocol, etc.